Another CMCO? Sigh. Just when you had that mini-vacation planned! Since inter-state travelling is now restricted, here are few things you can do in KL without having the authorities on your back. Just follow all the precautions and SOPs and you’re good.
Visit your nearest shopping mall to get the essentials you need.
Wear your mask. Bring your money and hand sanitiser. Wash your hands frequently. The basics. Now go to your nearest store(s) and get the essentials you need (and some fun stuff, too. Go on, you deserve to treat yourself!). Bring some shopping bags if necessary. Fun times outside are limited now. Make every place you can go an adventure!
P.S.: Our BigBath showrooms and stores are still open. Visit us if you need any new products, ideas or solutions involving your bathroom or kitchen!
Date or Socialise Virtually
Want to “go out” and meet new people but must do it at home? Sites like OKCupid, Tinder, Bumble and more have you covered! Just swipe right to an appropriate person and start chatting (no guarantee that they will text back or respond in a timely fashion, though). It might lead to a video call or a virtual date. We promise you can still dress up and put on your best face and hair for your date/hangout. Don’t let the virus ruin your social or love life! Get swiping and show it who’s boss!
Shop Online
Want that collector’s edition of your favourite book but can’t find it anywhere? Phone accessories or gadgets gone missing or broken? Need a new china set for your dining room? Online retailers have (hopefully) got you! Going out to buy things is good and nice and fun, but doing all that minus the hassle of parking lots, other shoppers, queues, and worry of the virus is MUCH BETTER! Look out for special discounts and offers at our BigBath store periodically for the best deals! You can also shop from Big Bath for kitchen and bathroom products!
Wherever you are staying or trapped now, be safe and tell your family. It’s going to be okay.